• 2022
  • May
  • 23

Pictures from the Dayton Hamvention 2022

After being closed for two years, the amount of goodies that showed up this year didn’t disappoint. There was so much stuff it was hard to see it all in one day, and I missed some photos I should have grabbed. I probably should have went Saturday as well, but one day of this stuff is plenty - and there’s more shows to come.

It was hard to resist dragging junk home, but I only wound up with one large piece of equipment. It appears to be fully functional, so I’m happy with the $20 I spent on it. The rest of my purchases were books and tubes and some odds n ends, nothing really major.

As always, this was an experience from the sheer amount of stuff that shows up. Hopefully, next year will be just as good - see you there!