• 2023
  • Mar
  • 19

The TMRA Hamfest Haul

I was kind of disappointed, nothing really stuck out at me and I didn’t see anything picture worthy. The only real item, other than some parts, was a nice old Hickock DVM with VFD tubes, but someone picked it up and put it on their own table for resale (at a higher price of course.) I don’t need another meter but eh…

I don’t know if it’s because of the area, because what I’m looking for didn’t show up, or because there didn’t seem to be as much general electronics as I’d expect, I only came home with trinkets.

A sleeve of 35W4, because you always need more of those, a couple of books, some insulated drivers, and some parts are all I took home. There are more shows coming up, so we’ll see what happens.
