• 2023
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Dayton 2023: Stuff I drug home.

I made good on my promise to not drag home too much junk this year, but a few boat anchors did manage to make their way in my car. Both of them had an immediate use, but the one that was going to go in to the rack didn’t work. Not a big deal, but still…it gives me a change to re-engineer some stuff. The rest of the items were parts for later use, whenever the need arises.


Just some random bits I picked up. An old LED display (made in the USA!) from Rat Shack, and a 1971 Allied/Radio Shack catalog. The catalog is fascinating, the prices that some of the things cost was incredible, and it’s interesting seeing some of the Shack’s staples like the Weather Cube. It’s fun to look through it and see things I wish I could still buy.


A vendor was selling older Jim-Pak parts, as well as a handful of things from other vendors. Some were $1 per, others were 2 or 4 per $1. I picked a selection of parts, as well as some of those oddball fuses old meters used for their current sections.


This is a unit that was meant to monitor the audio feeds in a studio. At it’s heart, it’s two “channels” with a center channel. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. Examination reveals a lot of white corrosion on the input board, and it looks like some water was spilled and lay on the board for a long period of time. That’s not really a big deal, I’m thinking a couple of LM386 ICs can fix this guy right up. I’m not interested in studio accuracy, I want something for my rack that I can connect to the plugboard for audio testing.


According to the vendor, this works. Well…it didn’t. Mostly. I picked it up for parts since many of these are being torn down for the displays so they can become clocks. :( The device itself had a hard life, evidenced by the replacement screws in the bottom and the considerable cosmetic damage to the unit itself. It had all of it’s feet and bail, so that’s quite nice.

An examination on the inside revealed many repairs, some boards that had left their slots, and a missing fuse. Bringing the device up on power revealed that it indeed did not work, the master clock was not present so the device wouldn’t sample. One of the tubes was also partially bad, but it had the incredibly rare polarity indicating tube, probably worth the price of the device itself.

While cleaning the card edges I found that the clock card had a transistor leg lifted, so someone was troubleshooting the device when it was put aside. As this was supposed to be a parts unit, I’m not sure how far I want to go fixing it - if at all - but it will be the subject of a future post detailing the examination.


This is one of Radio Shack’s oddball devices from the CB radio era. It’s a crystal-controlled device that listens to Channel 9, which was commonly used as the emergency channel It was designed for antenna passthrough, and has it’s own speaker. If I can find a schematic for this, I may see if I can re-tune it to Channel 19, since there’s still a little activity there.


A friend of mine said he wanted a 2-pin cable for a battery box project he made. Said he needed an extension, so I found this. It’s not going to get warm anytime soon.


This was a CB-era piece in the bins with the Jim-Pack parts. I don’t know why I got this other than it’s funny. Rip-off characters, anyone?

The slim haul wasn’t because I didn’t see things I wanted. I did. A lot of it. There were a couple of pieces that I saw that I wanted to bring home, but didn’t have a need for - a WWV receiver and some other devices among them. I figured if they were there Sunday, I’d bargain, but they weren’t. That’s me being told that I don’t need them, leave them where you found them.

(But you know very well if i see that receiver again I may pick it up because I’m being told it’s still here so you know you want it!)

Overall, I think I got some good stuff. The meter may make an interesting project, should I decide to repair it, but I think it’s just parts with a good plug-in for my other devices.

Next show is Butler, PA, and then nothing for a few month. Stay tuned for some show posts from that one, and some detail posts on a few of the devices I’ve picked up over the last year.