• 2023
  • Jun
  • 18

The Breezeshooters’ Hamfest 2023 - Butler, PA.

This year’s show was the first in several years after being closed because….reasons. It returned to the Butler Farm Show grounds this year, which is another fairgrounds-type venue located near Butler, PA. I didn’t get quite as many pictures as I wanted, but there was quite a bit of good stuff there, and we spent the better part of the morning browsing before heading to the Monroe Hotel Restaurant for lunch.

The day itself was supposed to be decent, but it was surrounded by rainy days. We weren’t sure what to expect, but it turned out to be warm, sunny, and not too hot. A perfect day for going out and wandering around.


Unfortunately, as we were walking in, there was some commotion - seems that someone had walked off with the money pouch for one of the vendors. Whomever did this is absolute shite and deserves whatever they get. Even at events like this, there are those who shouldn’t be in society.

First thing I saw was a table run by an older gentleman who looked as if he was cleaning out space. The EICO audio test amp was only a few bucks and went home with me. It’s going to be the subject of a later post.


A couple of interesting old tube testers showed up, including this TV-7B/U. It looked used, but in decent shape. Out of my price range, of course.


A vendor had some solar panels and an assortment of controllers in a box. Your choice, mix n match.


I can’t see this being useful for anything other than a costume prop…


A neat old Hickok signal generator. I can’t use this, but the design is cool and would look good as a movie prop.


The club had a bunch of stuff they were selling off to raise money for the club. They had these scope carts that were super cheap. These things are super-heavy-duty and were a steal at the price.


They also had this interesting RCA television for $5. Someone got a steal on this guy.


Last thing of the day was this tube tester and audio meter. I wanted to take both, but the roller chart was missing from the tester and the audio analyzer was full of tubes and wood shavings. I left both of them for someone else.


All in all, it was a good show, and there was a lot of things to see. Next week, I’ll be posting about the things that I brought home, and later, a diagnosis of the audio test amp.

Next show is Columbus in August. See you there!