• 2023
  • Jun
  • 19

I didn’t drag home much stuff from Butler, but…

As usual, a few boat anchors made their way into my car. How does this keep happening?

The club presenting the show had a booth where they sold things from estates and donations. I picked up a stack of books for a few dollars. I have one of these already, so it’s going to go to a friend who said “Cool! Analog circuits in an analog storage medium!”


Another vendor had a bunch of parts in a box. Lots of radio shack things, sadly the “1N34A” diode packs were all empty. Nonetheless, I walked away with a handful of stuff for a few bucks. I have no idea what to do with the touch-tone decoder other than keep it as a collectible…


These two anchors were $20 for the pair (from different vendors of course.) The audio test amp was from an older gentleman that looked as if he was cleaning things out - he had a capacitor tester I should have grabbed as well. The generator was from a latecomer, and I bought it because of the information on the side of the device.

The audio test amp turned on and lit up, but had no audio output, not even a hum when the inputs were touched. A quick examination inside revealed some bad repairs and some potential issues with the original assembly - this will be the subject of another post later this month. The generator - who knows. I didn’t get around to trying it out yet.


The signal generator had apparently sat in a rack at a General Telephone central office. That was cool enough for me to bring it home, even if it doesn’t work.


That’s all from the Butler show, even though there was plenty more I wanted to drag home. Next show is in August, at the Aladdin Shrine Temple in Columbus, OH. That one is usually pretty good, and it gives me a chance to see some of the locals I don’t get to speak with very often. See you there!