• 2023
  • Aug
  • 13

The only two pictures I took at the 2016 Hamvention

2016 was the last year for the Hamvention at Hara Arena, which was falling into serious disrepair. (It closed later that year.) To be fair, I don’t know how you could tell - the first time I went in the mid 90s it looked like it should have been condemned. Fortunately, I wasn’t there when the sewer lines burst…

I’m not sure why I took these two images, save one was a machine you don’t see in the wild very often. The other was probably because I knew someone that wanted said item, and it was a “Hey, you want this?” message. Regardless, here they are - my last little bit of the Hamvention at Hara.

Actual silicon solar panels. That was a pretty reasonable price for the time.


An IMSAI 8080 in all it’s glory. You just don’t see many of these in the wild.


Other than the rather generic telephone relay rack I brought home and took a picture of (complete with nutty friend comparing heights,) that’s it. I thought I took more than this, but I guess not!