• 2023
  • Dec
  • 21

Another IM-1212 Meter. For some reason.

Not really, I wanted to have one for both the 5V and 12V rails on my network rack. Sure, I could just switch back and forth between the two voltages, but where’s the cool in that?


This one is actually a Bell & Howell IMD-202-2, and has a much cooler aqua blue case. It’s in nice shape, and for some reason didn’t get bid to oblivion like others I’ve seen on that not-as-popular auction site. (Last one I tried to get started at a reasonable $8 and went to almost $70 + shipping. That’s insane!)

This one also came with a manual, which I may try to scan and place here. There’s some confusion as to if the manuals for Heathkit-derived instruments are under copyright, so we’ll see.

This one needs calibrated, of course. The oscillator adjust drifted from 94 when I turned it on, to 79, then back to 85 as things stabilized. 85, of course, is where it’s supposed to be but I have no idea where the zero and DC pots are currently set. It’s currently running with a slow AC on it just to warm up, and I’ll do a cal on it this weekend.

I’d like to find a few more since the ZM1000 NIXIE tubes, once common as dirt, are now scarce because clocks.