• 2024
  • Mar
  • 17

An Eico 145 Signal Tracer - Part 0

I sat down with an Eico 145 Signal tracer this weekend, evaluating what it would need to put it back into daily service. The answer? Pretty much everything. Leaky wax capacitors, carbon comp resistors that are 50% off of their marked value, and a few “doesn’t appear to ever have been installed” parts complete the list of this thing’s issues. It’s amazing that it’s still working, but I would bet that continued operation would destroy the tubes in short order.

The large 470Ω resistor in the foreground was of interest. A quick shout out to a friend confirmed that this was a 2W part, not a high-voltage device. This makes sense, as the resistor could potentially dissipate 600mW at maximum plate current. It’s also interesting because there’s supposed to be a 10uF bypass capacitor across that part, but it looks like it was never installed!


Right under that, of course, is the across the line capacitor. That ’splodey boi gets replaced first.

A quick trip to mouser for components is in my future.

Next part of this series: https://wereboar.com … ignal-tracer-part-1/

Previous part of this series: https://wereboar.com … o-145-signal-tracer/