This show has entered my regular rotation of attended events due to the good variety of items that show up. In the three years I’ve been attending, I’ve never left without some goodies at a good price, including a lot of the test equipment I currently have on my bench.
This year was no different. While certain things (boatanchors) are getting in shorter supply, there’s no shortage of 1960s and 1970s stuff right now - all of which can, for the most part, be easily repaired if need be.
Here’s what you’re waiting for, all of the pictures that I took at the show. The things I brought home will be featured in a future post. Enjoy!
Not just a sig gen, a big gen!
Hamfest goers delight, bins of parts.
The Fortran books were interesting.
Frequency shift converters for the Navy.
Full Height Hard Drives. May they go away.
Lots of EICO goodies.
The pay what you want table.
Under the pay what you want table. Old UPS devices.
And more of the pay what you want tables.
Old old old Seneca fuses, made in Ohio!
Yes I’m 12 and found this funny.
Not sure except it’s full of tubes.
This had to be a specialized piece of equipment in the day.
Some very nice old dampened Weston meters.
One of Rat Shacks most wonderful computers.
A triangulation antenna.
An unidentified, aka I didn’t look close, old radio.
Transistors and transformers in a primitive amplifier.
Really old Philco branded tubes.
A Tek scope plugin with an IBM property tag.
Inside the scope plugin.
Selenium say what?
You can’t not see these.
Although they aren’t as common as they used to be.
The “Stack ‘o Radio,” common at hamfests.
An EICO leakage tester and simple meter.
This is a battle-tested small sig gen.
An interesting little tester with some nice test leads.
A very old Stero FM receiver.
I thought it said “The Sidegang people” for some reason.
The Table Full Of Stuff.
More Table(s) Full of Stuff.
Dynamic Mutual Conductance tube testers, thus the price.