• 2024
  • Apr
  • 29

An Eico 145 Signal Tracer - Part 4

Not much this time, just some prep work for the big stuff.


First was to unsolder and remove the RF jack on the front and find something to put in the hole. This piece of plastic from…who knows…almost fit and will be secured with some RTV later in the project.


You’d never know, but the case was washed.


The handle and some hardware was given an ultrasonic bath to clean it.


The location and year of purchase was noted inside.


And the old, almost hard as a rock cord was removed.

Next is to start removing components. I haven’t decided if I want to do it all at once, or try to do it a part at a time. I can certainly get cleaner results removing everything and doing it all at once. I have the assembly manual, so - probably all at once. Stay tuned!

Next part of this series: https://wereboar.com … ignal-tracer-part-5/

Previous part of this series: https://wereboar.com … ignal-tracer-part-3/