• 2024
  • Apr
  • 30

MFJ has announced they are closing their doors.

For anyone that’s been in amatuer radio for more than a few years, the name MFJ is probably one that is quite familiar to you. From being the current owner of venerable names like Hy-Gain, to producing a wide range of custom electronics geared towards the radio operator, MFJ has showed up in every facet of ham radio.

On April 25th 2024, Martin Jue - the owner and founder - announced his retirement. The manufacturing portion of the business will close, removing their reasonably priced antenna, tuner, and other options from the market. From reports I’ve seen, certain imported products already sold by the company will continue forward.

This is quite a loss for the community. While MFJ has gathered nicknames over the years - Mighty Fine Junk being one of the more ‘polite’ ones, their products are cheap enough for the amateur amateur, but useful enough for the pro.

There have been reports that MFJ turned down some offers to buy the company, with other more hushed reports stating that it was because the business needs to stay where it is, physically. That may not be possible as other companies are going to want to consolidate to reduce costs - and as one QRZ commenter said “Don’t rule from the grave.” There’s still a chance someone could pick it up and continue operations, but that remains to be seen. All of that is just forum say-so, take it with a lot of salt. It’s possible that rising costs and other unknown factors make acquisition impossible.

Regardless, MFJ’s departure will be felt by many, even though the familiar red logo will continue to be at sales and fests for the rest of our lives.

Martin’s letter to the community: https://mailchi.mp/6 … 99/a-heavy-sad-heart

The QRZ thread: https://forums.qrz.c … ay-17th-2024.911452/