• 2024
  • May
  • 22

Finding old wereboar posts in search engines?

While I’ve submitted the site indexes to both Bing and Google, you probably have a better chance of finding something here using Bing, or those sites that use it like DuckDuckGo. For all the grief Microsoft gives us, their indexing system is quite friendly. Submit pages via their console and it goes “Sure thing! Let me index that for you.” and a few days later - there it is.

Google, on the other hand, complains. “You have a redirect! I can’t index that!” Where? It’s a static page with a link on it. There are lots of things in the index queue that were rejected and I’m not even sure where it’s getting them - it looks like it’s own temporary files are being indexed and then tossed out because they’re not there anymore. it complains about invalid pages but give no reason as to why, just that they aren’t.

Regardless, for all the crap - Bing works best if you’d like to find an old post from a search engine. Use https://www.bing.com … =site%3awereboar.com and you’ll get a pretty good list of things here on wereboar. Bing feeds other sites like DuckDuckGo and Yahoo!, so you can use those sites if Bing isn’t to your liking.

If you’d like to stay on wereboar, you can use the built-in popular post page to see an index of all the pages, and how many times they’ve been viewed. Check that out right here: https://wereboar.com … projects/popular.php

And finally, the third way you can “search” the site is to use the sitemap. This one is just a text file with all of the important URLs on wereboar. There are no titles, so this is probably not an ideal thing to use - it’s primarily so search engines can find the URLs. However, if you’d like to see it, it’s here: https://wereboar.com/about/sitemap.txt - and the auto-gen’d XML version lives here: https://wereboar.com/about/sitemap.xml.

While I can’t take suggestions here due to the large amount of spammers, please feel free to connect with and talk to me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin … an-walker-525b41223/ - I’d love to know what you think, and would like to know if there’s something you’d like to see more (or less!) of here on wereboar.

Thanks for checking out my place. See you soon with more goodies from shows and junk I’m working with.