It was raining where I was, and threatened rain all the way to the show - but when we arrived, the sky had cleared and it was a sunny, slightly breezey 71F. Essentially, perfect conditions for wandering the aisles. While I didn’t see some of the things I hoped would show up this year, there was still quite a bit to look at. I spent a couple hours wandering the show before heading out for some lunch.
The usual mix of equipment showed up here, and a few things managed to wander home with me. This is what I saw at this year’s show:
I wonder if they will take my battery club card?
A BC-221AA Signal Generator.
A buck a box or two bucks per part. I took a box.
Motorola Communications Analyzers.
An old school engine analyzer.
Some equipment and schematic manuals.
This guy never prices stuff.
Don't bump the equipment stack.
The lighted switchbox up front was neat.
The VIZ meter in the middle went home with me.
An estate sale from a silent key.
Frequency doodads.
A floppy drive, and lots of solder.
A Boonton AM/FM Signal Generator.
A couple of neat chromed radios.
A Heath Weather Station with all the stuff.
An interesting Lafayette tuner on the right.
Something to monitor 3-phase stuff?
We go to shows for tables like this.
The 70s appear to be calling.
I swear one of these scopes exists for every person on the planet.
Yet another sig gen, this one branded Olson.
Some interesting rack mount radios.
More radios, who would have guessed?
Some Heath stuff.
I bet you can't guess what this is.
The scopes on the ground were free.
A big piece of Singer test equipment.
A bunch of GE radios.
A weird tape deck and some EQs.
A Tek 455 scope on it's cart.
A Tek 547 missing a plugin.
A bunch of odd testers. I took the one with the bulb.
Trans-Oceanics for parts.
A Knight radio and a tube tester, and stuff.
I don't know what this one is.
Next show will probably be the Columbus, OH hamfest, although there are some happening before that. Regardless, I’ll (maybe) see you there!