• 2024
  • Jun
  • 12

pygg.xyz, the former home for this blog, is nearing it’s end.

Hosting for pygg.xyz, as well as email and SSL services, have expired. I’ve set permanent redirects so that any pygg.xyz link should send you to the wereboar.com page of the same name if it exists, or the top level of Projects if you’ve not asked for anything special. There may be a couple of (very old) broken links, but those will take you to the blog’s 404 page with information on how to find what you want to see.

Those redirects may not always work, I’m investigating that but I don’t see any immediate resolution.

You can go to the top level of Projects to see the newest stuff, or you can go to the popular posts page to see everything on Projects from the Bottom Drawer.

I used to host this blog on pygg.xyz, but rapidly found out that .xyz domains have little trust in the Internet world. This affected both my ability to present things to you, and send email reliably using that domain.

Last year, I decided to see what was available - and for some reason, wereboar.com - a very old domain - was available. The former owners, a web design shop and later, some sort of graphics design shop, had let it go. I picked it up and moved everything here, because who doesn’t like lycanthropes? It’s been much easier to get email through secured systems with a .com domain, so here I stay.

My original domain, pygg.xyz, has been live all this time, but was a simple redirect to here. However, the end is nigh and the hosting for the domain ends on July 4th, 2024. The domain is still there and good for another 7 or so years, but the hosting will be gone.

Right now, there’s a parking page indicating that it’s 410, and to come here instead.

If you have any pygg.xyz bookmarks, now is the time to move them. Most should still work if you change pygg.xyz to wereboar.com, but if you can’t find what you need then check the popular posts or sitemap, available from the main blog page.

It will probably redirect here again, but I’m not sure what I want to do with it. It’s for sale, if you are interested, and it’s pretty cheap. Contact me with the LinkedIn links on the main wereboar landing page.

Until then, it will at least resolve to something. Where does the future lie? Who knows, but I’m sure it’s full of strange electronics and oddball projects.

I hope you’ll come along for the journey.
