• 2024
  • Dec
  • 31

More thoughts on the Olson TE-189

I’ve been combing though all of the links about this device and it’s cousin the Lafayette TE-46A, and ran across a couple of videos from 2 years ago.


On a youtube channel called AllTheGearNoIdea, two videos regarding the unit were published. The presenter talks about the device and some of the things done to it in the name of making an older device stable for modern use:

Lafayette Capacitor Analyzer TE-46 part 1: https://www.youtube. … /watch?v=QPL_4AgqTmc

Lafayette Capacitor Analyzer TE-46 part 2: https://www.youtube. … /watch?v=Wzdc7Ai9OnM

In the second video, the presenter tests the newly re-capped unit. He runs through some of the ranges just like I did, only to find they did not work as expected. He was using modern capacitors as well, so I wonder if that has something to do with the problem.

While I don’t have any old paper capacitors at the moment, a piece of equipment on my to-bench list has several it will happily donate.

There was also a link presented that had a much better schematic than the original - it’s at least intelligible instead of “Hey Bob, can you draw me a schematic? This goes into production in an hour!” schematic that Lafayette/Olson presented for the device.

GMB’s Vintage Technology Web Site:

Lafayette CR Analyzer TE-46: http://air-ministry.uk/TE46.htm
Archive of the same page: https://archive.ph/GfeR7
Another archive of the page: https://web.archive. … ministry.uk/TE46.htm

I’ve reached out to the youtube channel page contact. I’ll post more if they reply with something interesting. Stay tuned! (Feb 28 2025: They have not responded.)