• 2022
  • Apr
  • 11

Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club Hamfest - Show pictures

I wasn’t sure about attending this one, but I have to say that it turned out to be an excellent small show. I planned on an hour or two, but it rapidly turned into a “stay until almost close” event. There was quite a lot to see, a good crowd of people, and as always, I brought home way too much junk treasure. This is an event that I’ll probably put on the attendance schedule for next year assuming we’re not all afraid of the sun coming up in the morning like last year.

The only thing this show didn’t have (beyond a few parts vendors) was a vendor selling new equipment. But that’s ok, that can be had elsewhere. We’re here for the good junk. And there was a lot of it.

The pictures from the show are in this post, you can see the stuff I drug home here: https://pygg.xyz/pro … ahoga-falls-hamfest/