• 2023
  • May
  • 2

The TUSCO Amateur Radio Club 2023 Show - Junk I Took Home.

I tried to limit myself to Small Things this year, and not drag home any projects. I almost succeeded!

The meters are of particular note, one was an old, old, old unit with a telephone test jack on it. I occasionally have need to test single-line analog jacks, so I offered the guy $10 for it and he took it. The other meter, an Ohio-made Triplett, was a beast of a unit costing $200 when new in 1992. It’s loaded with functions, and has internal relays to isolate and switch inputs. Quite unusual and cool.

The other items were simply parts, unusual test equipment, or books. Not pictured are some RCA tube manuals I picked up for $5 each. You’ve seen those before.

The ZM-11/U - this is an interesting piece of equipment. It’s a fairly precise bridge for checking capacitors and inductors, and uses an eye tube as an aid to the relative quality of the device under test. It’s in pretty good shape physically, a few dents and dings and one broken bail on a clip.

Electrically, the vendor said that it worked (and it all lights up,) but that the internal 1Khz source was dead. Feed it an external precision source and it’s fine. I’m planning on digging into this device at some point, it needs a cord and some minor cleanup. I’ve already removed the line cord as it was in bad shape. When I get to it, that will be it’s own post.

Next up is Dayton on the 19th of May, but until then, enjoy the pictures!