• 2023
  • Aug
  • 11

My haul from the Columbus 2023 Hamfest

I really tried to be good this year and not drag home much. Some parts and things still made it into my car, however - I guess I just didn’t lock the doors or something.

But, I did limit myself to something I’ve been looking for (An AA5 radio and a tube tester,) some books, and a handful of parts. The only real impulse buy was the Simpson Meter - how can you pass up that awesome Bell System aqua and yellow? While it’s not of much use these days, requiring oddball 15V batteries, it’s still an interesting piece and will go on display with my other Bell System artifacts.

I wanted to bring home the big coffin radio that was at the show, but there’s simply no room for that. Some other test equipment caught my eye as well, but again - no room or need. I don’t need a 200W meter sitting in the rack drawing more current than the rest of the equipment!

Everything that I could test works well, and I kept spending to a minimum. I guess that leaves more money for later shows(?) We’ll see what Findlay brings…