• 2023
  • Sep
  • 7

Neat things at the Johnstown Swapper’s Day 2023

I usually don’t take any photos at this event, because it’s just a general flea market - but things of interest do show up there from time to time. While these items aren’t all related to electronics, I still found them interesting enough to snap a shot.



Someone found some a variety of late 1960s and early 1970s Skidoo snowmobiles and brought them for sale.


A “Mercedes Gazelle” built on a VW chassis. The Bug was a popular platform for modification and, at one point, you could make it look like just about anything you wanted.


A nice Sparton 667 radio. Everything was present, and the chassis looked unmodified and clean. It had what appeared to be a number of gel electrolytics, so hopefully whomever brought this home doesn’t just plug it in.


I didn’t get the model of this Zenith console, but the chassis was similarly clean and unmodified. The record player had been removed, however, but that’s not a terrible loss - chances are the stylus was long dead and unobtanium.

The rest of the trip was just your standard flea-market stuff, and I ended up going home with a small album of 78s and a few tools.