• 2024
  • Apr
  • 13

This 1986 Ford Radio.

One of the things that caught my eye at the Cuyahoga Falls hamfest this past Saturday was a car radio sitting on the table by the door - the one that’s “Take what you want, pay what you want.” It’s nothing special, just an old Ford AM radio. I put some buxx in the bucket for it.

Why? I want a radio that I can put in a panel and mount in my rack, and a car radio is quite noise immune. I want to listen to a station for emergency alerts, and a car radio is a good choice, being designed for harsh service.

This one has some oddities about it, however:


It’s a radio! Yay! This one doesn’t say Philco on it. You’ll notice it doesn’t seem to have a lot of wear on the knobs and the buttons. In fact, there’s none, and even the face is nice and bright (save the dirt from storage.)

The mount doesn’t show any evidence of ever having been bolted up, either.


Even the lamp, which is in a shielded tube mounted away from the faceplate to prevent plastic burning - a well thought out thing - shows no tungsten burn off. The picture doesn’t really show it, but the brass body is just-out-of-the-box shiny.


I don’t think this was ever mounted in a vehicle. Even the socket pins look new, there’s no marks that I can see on them, and installing it even once would leave some sort of evidence. Inside is similarly clean, there’s not even any evidence of wear on the tuning assembly.

I wonder what it was for? Dealer stock from back when you could get a car without a radio if you wanted it, or perhaps a repair device that was never used?

The inside is a thing of beauty. 4 cans, 3 trimmers, and nothing other than discrete transistors.


Even the label is cool. Ford Aerospace.


So the next thing is to hook it up and try it…and I don’t have any 4 ohm speakers these days. That’s easy enough to get, I can probably pick up something at the next show, which is in a couple of weeks.

This radio seems to fit the bill for what I want to do with it, and the fact that it looks like it’s still new is quite the bonus. I’ll post results when I get it hooked up.