• 2024
  • Aug
  • 31

Pictures from the 2024 Johnstown Swappers Day

Saturday threatened rain all morning, and that seemed to keep the crowds down this year - the roads were relatively clear on the way home. In contrast, last year was backed up for miles in every direction with people trying to get in.

We arrived fairly early, and some of the vendors hadn’t opened yet, but we wandered the aisles, had some Bourbon Chicken and Fried stuff, and managed to see it all. Most was just flea market stuff, but there was some cool things on site.


This Admiral console radio was in pretty good shape for it’s age.


For your 1812 Overture re-enactments.


An adorable miniature bulldozer. It’s low, maybe this was for use in a mine? (No, these were sold to the general consumer as a small piece of equipment. There were other attachments for it as well.)


A nice looking Edison Home unit with crane and witch hat horn. Did not pull the top off to look at it.


A clear Aladdin Beehive, and a pink and clear Aladdin Corinthian lamp. They were priced appropriately.


A Ford Model T. Price: 29k


A Sears Silvertone Trans-Oceanic clone. It was in ok shape, didn’t see the inside.


A nice Silvertone console radio. The eye tube was inside, but was laying on the chassis.


Standard of Ohio vanished in 1984 when purchased by BP.


A couple of old phones. The spotlight in the box beside them went home with me.


A real spinning wheel.


I suspect this was from a mine, but it was amusing regardless. (It’s from an oilfield, from what I’ve seen.)

It looked like it was going to rain about 11AM, so we finished up and headed home.