• 2024
  • Apr
  • 7

An Eico 145 Signal Tracer - Part 2

It’s not really important to operation, but having clean knobs and lenses on indicators is always nice. Since I have an ultrasonic bath, I’m going to use it.

The knobs on this guy are pretty cruddy, and the power indicator has a spritz of bronze paint across it.


While I’m removing the knobs from the volume and function selector, they get a shot of deoxit to clean and lube them.

Everything goes in the bath for 20 minutes.


In the end, they all come out nice and clean and ready to re-install!


Parts have been ordered, we’ll go through those next.

Next part of this series: https://wereboar.com … ignal-tracer-part-3/

Previous part of this series: https://wereboar.com … ignal-tracer-part-1/