Saturday was perfect. It was about 80F, partly cloudy, and the grounds had started to dry out enough you could walk and reasonably expect to stay on the surface.
And the weird stuff came out as well…
All the vendors that toughed out the previous day were open displaying all kinds of electronic wonders. A steak tip dinner was had for lunch, and it was awesome as always - much better than the burnt burgers and nasty nachos offered by the other venue. We spent about half the day going through the flea market looking for things to take home.
Here’s what I saw this year on Saturday:
The small National almost went home with me.
A friend checks out a radio.
Some more radios.
Old HP scopes.
Consumer radios playing now that the rain had passed.
An old school transistor tester.
Some tombstones being displayed. All played.
This oddball frequency counter came home with me.
Some nicer examples of prosumer radios.
This DJ player almost went home with a friend.
Want to customize like it's 1999?
All it was missing was the mag wheels option (017).
Various equipment.
More equipment. The scope had no trace.
Even more stuff.
If you remember these, don't.
A couple of nice examples.
If I didn't have a scope I'd have bought this.
The little Heathkit radio was interesting.
The old Hickok logo was quite cool.
One of many Hammarlund radios.
How we used to print commercial checks.
An interesting GE radio and some commercial gear.
A radio and antenna rotator.
Surprise! More radios!
K E K - Ahead of their time?
A console that was in pretty decent cosmetic shape.
Just stuff in the back of a van.
I bet you'd never guess…it's radios!
Those old Kraft joysticks…
This guy always has some cool odds n ends.
A homebrew rig.
Old school SpecAn.
A lot of Motorola gear this year.
A cool programmer device.
I bought some strawberry waffles here.
Fabric belts for radios in the original case.
Some table radios.
Mechanical reverb!
A radio that's art and science.
A lot of military gear.
An AC meter with multiple ranges.
A small shelf of random things.
You know what these are by now.
An assorted lot of things.
A bunch of different equipment.
Where did you put the network analyzer, comrade?
It was keeping the table down.
I don't know, it's just a neat piece.
An endless sea of test equipment.
I feel like someone robbed a fallout vault.
Giant filters.
A collection of old radios. Is tape really needed here?
Millie Amp strips to make ends meet…
These are cool looking but not terribly useful nowdays.
Another homebrew rig.
An archival tape deck.
Old tape decks.
More old tape decks.
There were a lot of Bandmaster radios this year.
Hey look, more radios!
Some big stuff.
I'm surprised they weren't sinking into the ground.
Old gear from the military, then a radio club.
The last of the WJ stuff is finally showing up
Radios and parts.
Audio gear was common this year, as always.
When you need to wake the dead.
When we had to adjust the points on cars.
Some sort of military VHF device.
Solar cells.
Some sort of Chinese HF gear.
This is interesting because of the Crosley tag.
Every WWII movie needs one of these.
More gear.
A cool barometer.
Do I need to explain?
A lot of these little Heath transceivers this year.
If you're getting 500 rads per hour, you're not reading this meter anymore.