• 2024
  • Dec
  • 15

An Olson TE-189 C-R Analyzer - The Waiting Game.

I was hoping to present a test and performance post for you by now, but the post office isn’t cooperating with me. I ordered some various colors of wire to finish the rebuild (and have some on hand for later use,) but the materials I ordered have decided to take a tour of a few states as well as the East side of Columbus. It’s visited a couple of places that it had no reason to go. Tonight I got notification that it’s in Kansas. (It went to Kansas again, this time from Kansas City, KS to Kansas City, MO…I’m going to wait until after Christmas and if it’s not here consider it lost.)

For now, I have the line cord and the 500Ω balancing resistor laid out alongside the tubes. They await the final wire I need for this build.

I have some time off over the holiday, so perhaps I’ll have received it by then. We’ll see - stay tuned!
