• 2023
  • Apr
  • 16

Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club Hamfest, 2023 show pictures

This year’s show was about the same number of vendors as last year, so it was pretty good. There seemed to be more general electronics and whatnot this year, and less test equipment and other non-consumer items. Not really a big deal, there was still plenty to look at, including some vendors that I recognized from last year. I didn’t take as many pictures because of that, and missed some opportunities to get more because a friend I hadn’t seen in 18 years showed up and we were chatting the whole time.

In all, it was a decent show and worth the trip. While I only brought home about as much as I did from the TMRA show, it was only because I had to stop myself from dragging home more - there were a number of things I’d have like to had, but just do not have the room.

Enjoy the pictures, and I’ll be posting my haul a little later.. I found an unusual piece of equipment from a manufacturer that you wouldn’t expect to make something like it is, and I’ll be breaking that out into a separate post - if I can find it’s service data, it will be a technical post as well.