• 2023
  • Aug
  • 13

The only two pictures I took at the 2016 Hamvention

2016 was the last year for the Hamvention at Hara Arena, which was falling into serious disrepair. (It closed later that year.) To be fair, I don’t know how you could tell - the first time I went in the mid 90s it looked like it should have been condemned. Fortunately, I wasn’t there when the sewer lines burst…

I’m not sure why I took these two images, save one was a machine you don’t see in the wild very often. The other was probably because I knew someone that wanted said item, and it was a “Hey, you want this?” message. Regardless, here they are - my last little bit of the Hamvention at Hara.

Actual silicon solar panels. That was a pretty reasonable price for the time.


An IMSAI 8080 in all it’s glory. You just don’t see many of these in the wild.


Other than the rather generic telephone relay rack I brought home and took a picture of (complete with nutty friend comparing heights,) that’s it. I thought I took more than this, but I guess not!

  • 2023
  • Aug
  • 11

My haul from the Columbus 2023 Hamfest

I really tried to be good this year and not drag home much. Some parts and things still made it into my car, however - I guess I just didn’t lock the doors or something.

But, I did limit myself to something I’ve been looking for (An AA5 radio and a tube tester,) some books, and a handful of parts. The only real impulse buy was the Simpson Meter - how can you pass up that awesome Bell System aqua and yellow? While it’s not of much use these days, requiring oddball 15V batteries, it’s still an interesting piece and will go on display with my other Bell System artifacts.

I wanted to bring home the big coffin radio that was at the show, but there’s simply no room for that. Some other test equipment caught my eye as well, but again - no room or need. I don’t need a 200W meter sitting in the rack drawing more current than the rest of the equipment!

Everything that I could test works well, and I kept spending to a minimum. I guess that leaves more money for later shows(?) We’ll see what Findlay brings…

  • 2023
  • Aug
  • 11

The Columbus 2023 Hamfest

No rain threatened this year’s show, and there were a lot of vendors out - including some with a good deal of test equipment and other items. Lots of goodies, and everyone seemed willing to be negotiable on prices. My fellow show-goer and I spend the morning wandering around before heading over to the greasy spoon next door for some late breakfast grub and coffee.

I tried not to bring home much, but some stuff still wandered into my car. There are a few pieces I would have like to brought home, but space didn’t allow me to do so and they sadly had to remain where they were.

Here are my pictures of the event, and I’ll be posting my haul shortly.

Next show is the Findlay show, which always has some good stuff (assuming no rain!)

See you there!

  • 2023
  • Jul
  • 1

Pictures from The Dayton Hamvention 2003

I was digging through some old storage recently, and came across this set of pictures from Dayton 2003.

I went with a group of friends this year, and of course it was just pouring down rain. Much of the flea market was covered and uncovered at various times, so we spent most of our time inside the arena and ballrooms, looking at the stuff. While we did view the entire flea market, I didn’t get the camera out as much as I wanted to because of the random hard rain showers.

Keep in mind that these were taken before all the fancy things like good auto white balance and low light compensation, the quality of the shots is all over the place. It was hard to stop and take pictures at times due to the crowds.

Regardless, we had a good time, and here’s my memories of the event.

  • 2023
  • Jun
  • 18

The Breezeshooters’ Hamfest 2023 - Butler, PA.

This year’s show was the first in several years after being closed because….reasons. It returned to the Butler Farm Show grounds this year, which is another fairgrounds-type venue located near Butler, PA. I didn’t get quite as many pictures as I wanted, but there was quite a bit of good stuff there, and we spent the better part of the morning browsing before heading to the Monroe Hotel Restaurant for lunch.

The day itself was supposed to be decent, but it was surrounded by rainy days. We weren’t sure what to expect, but it turned out to be warm, sunny, and not too hot. A perfect day for going out and wandering around.


Unfortunately, as we were walking in, there was some commotion - seems that someone had walked off with the money pouch for one of the vendors. Whomever did this is absolute shite and deserves whatever they get. Even at events like this, there are those who shouldn’t be in society.

First thing I saw was a table run by an older gentleman who looked as if he was cleaning out space. The EICO audio test amp was only a few bucks and went home with me. It’s going to be the subject of a later post.


A couple of interesting old tube testers showed up, including this TV-7B/U. It looked used, but in decent shape. Out of my price range, of course.


A vendor had some solar panels and an assortment of controllers in a box. Your choice, mix n match.


I can’t see this being useful for anything other than a costume prop…


A neat old Hickok signal generator. I can’t use this, but the design is cool and would look good as a movie prop.


The club had a bunch of stuff they were selling off to raise money for the club. They had these scope carts that were super cheap. These things are super-heavy-duty and were a steal at the price.


They also had this interesting RCA television for $5. Someone got a steal on this guy.


Last thing of the day was this tube tester and audio meter. I wanted to take both, but the roller chart was missing from the tester and the audio analyzer was full of tubes and wood shavings. I left both of them for someone else.


All in all, it was a good show, and there was a lot of things to see. Next week, I’ll be posting about the things that I brought home, and later, a diagnosis of the audio test amp.

Next show is Columbus in August. See you there!

  • 2023
  • Jun
  • 2

The Columbus (OH) Hamfest - August 5th 2023.

Our local Hamfest is happening Saturday, August 5th this year. This one is usually well worth the short trip and $5 admission price.

Columbus Hamfest

1801 Gateway Circle
Grove City, Ohio 43123

Saturday, August 5th 2023


  • 2023
  • May
  • 30

The Breezeshooter’s Hamfest - June 4th 2023

This is generally a smaller show, but it’s one where good deals can be had - some of the “Dayton” items show up without the “Dayton” prices! I’ve always brought home a decently priced trinket or two from this one.

This year, they return to the Butler Farm Show grounds, with a single day of show on Sunday. See you there!

Breezeshooters Hamfest

Butler Farm Show
625 Evans City Road
Butler PA 16001

Sunday, June 4th 2023


  • 2023
  • May
  • 24

The Dayton Hamvention 2023

We all had a good time at Dayton this year. Weather was very cooperative, with temps in the 80s and most of the rain being confined to Friday evening and early Saturday morning. (It wouldn’t be Dayton without Rain, Snow, Tornadoes, or 100F heat, now would it?)

As usual, there was a lot of good stuff to be seen and had, and I limited myself to things I thought I could immediately use - for the most part. The flea market was full, and the exhibit halls were packed as usual. So without further ado, here are my pictures of the event.

  • 2023
  • May
  • 22

The Dayton Hamvention 2023 has come and gone.

This year, I made it two days instead of just one - perhaps next year I’ll try for all three. There was plenty of stuff to be had, and I limited myself to some parts units and some odds ‘n ends. I think the total damage this year was under $200, and that included food and drinks for myself and my fellow show-goer.

I’m in the process of cleaning up the pictures I took, and will be posting those and my haul over the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

  • 2023
  • May
  • 2

The TUSCO Amateur Radio Club 2023 Show - Junk I Took Home.

I tried to limit myself to Small Things this year, and not drag home any projects. I almost succeeded!

The meters are of particular note, one was an old, old, old unit with a telephone test jack on it. I occasionally have need to test single-line analog jacks, so I offered the guy $10 for it and he took it. The other meter, an Ohio-made Triplett, was a beast of a unit costing $200 when new in 1992. It’s loaded with functions, and has internal relays to isolate and switch inputs. Quite unusual and cool.

The other items were simply parts, unusual test equipment, or books. Not pictured are some RCA tube manuals I picked up for $5 each. You’ve seen those before.

The ZM-11/U - this is an interesting piece of equipment. It’s a fairly precise bridge for checking capacitors and inductors, and uses an eye tube as an aid to the relative quality of the device under test. It’s in pretty good shape physically, a few dents and dings and one broken bail on a clip.

Electrically, the vendor said that it worked (and it all lights up,) but that the internal 1Khz source was dead. Feed it an external precision source and it’s fine. I’m planning on digging into this device at some point, it needs a cord and some minor cleanup. I’ve already removed the line cord as it was in bad shape. When I get to it, that will be it’s own post.

Next up is Dayton on the 19th of May, but until then, enjoy the pictures!